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Talking about perimenopause

Enquiry Nomeno

What is peri-menopause

Perimenopause – a word not often heard, yet a stage that countless women, like me, are silently navigating. It's an uncharted territory, marked by a constellation of symptoms that we often keep to ourselves.

Urinary incontinence, constipation, a bloated tummy, and erratic periods – these are the uninvited guests in my life during perimenopause. They've taught me that this journey isn't always about hot flashes and mood swings, but it can also encompass the subtler, less-talked-about challenges.

The occasional leak or the constant discomfort in my abdomen can be unnerving, but it's a part of the process. These symptoms can disrupt daily life and make you feel isolated, but you're not alone.

Sharing our experiences is the first step toward creating awareness. Perimenopause may be hushed in conversation, but it's a reality for countless women worldwide. We must embrace this phase, educate ourselves, and seek support, breaking the silence and stigma.

Let's not suffer in silence but open up a dialogue about perimenopause. Together, we can empower ourselves and others to navigate this uncharted territory with grace and strength.

Some articles to read concerning perimenopause:

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