Female hormones consist of 2 main types: Estrogen and Progesterone. They are more than just sex hormones that are in-charge of the reproductive system in a woman's body.
Hormones are chemical messengers made in glands and secreted into our bloodstream. Imagine hormones are like the "internet of our body", a web of signals communicating throughout the whole body system such as metabolism, reproduction, sexual, sleep etc.
Estrogen is important for a range of bodily functions and a woman's general health. Here are some of the followings that hormones are involved in:
puberty and sexual development
sexual desire
regulating bone and muscle growth
inflammatory responses
regulating cholesterol levels
promoting hair growth
body fat distribution
Find out how NOMENO can positively impact and enhance your womanhood. NOMENO combines nature and technology to slow down the ageing process. "Hormones determine a woman's life journey."
Visit us at: www.nomenosg.com.
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