One of the roles of estrogen is to maintain the thickness of your vaginal wall. As your estrogen levels decline, your vaginal wall commonly begins thinning. The thinning of your vaginal wall can make it easy for your vagina to become irritated, and it can make intercourse painful.
Vaginal Dryness
Women going through menopause experience vaginal dryness. Estrogen plays a role in keeping the vagina lubricated, which is crucial to sexual arousal. Because of low estrogen, the vagina can become dry, thereby increasing the friction and pain experienced during intercourse.
Breast Health
As a person ages, their body produces fewer reproductive hormones which contributes to changes in the shape and texture of the breasts. Low estrogen levels can cause the mammary glands to shrink and the connective tissue in the breast to lose its elasticity. These changes may make the breasts appear soft or flattened.

Bagi wanita yang mengalami transisi ke menopause, masalah tidur sering kali setara. Faktanya, sekitar 61% wanita pascamenopause sering mengalami insomnia.