
A hot flash is a common symptom of menopause that feels like an intense feeling of heat that comes on suddenly and isn't caused by hot weather. You may also sweat large amounts and feel chilly afterwards.
Hot Flashes
Night Sweats
Intense Heat


Discover Nomeno Enhanced, formulated to help women manage the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.
Experience renewed energy with the support of emotional well-being to overall health and wellness.

Halal Certified
GMP Certified
3 Powerful
Plant-based ingredients
Product of
Lab-Tested in

Recommended Dosage
Take 1 capsule in the morning/ afternoon in the first week.
Consume a minimum of 3 months for best results.
40 years old & above increase to 2 capsules a day after 1 week
Below 40 years old - 1 capsule/ day
Take daily for long term benefits

Not sure where to start?
Introducing Nomeno Enhanced:
The Complete Menopause Support Formula for
Emotional Well-being, Hot Flashes,
Bone Health and Energy.

Support Weight Loss
Reduce Inflammation
Maintain Bone Health
Maintain Liver Health
Support Cartilage Health
Pueraria Lobata (葛根)
It rejuvenates, reduces oxidative stress, and has estrogenic effects, making it a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy widely used to alleviate menopause symptoms.
Radix Cynanchi Bungei (白首乌)
A Traditional Chinese Medicine herb with anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and estrogenic properties that help manage menopause symptoms, inhibit hair whitening and promote kidney and liver health.
Combat Hair Loss
Reduce Grey Hair
Strengthen Bones & Muscles
Ease Stomach Discomfort
Curb Obesity
Pueraria Mirifica (泰国野葛根)
It contains miroestrol, mimicking estrogen to alleviate menopause symptoms and support hormonal balance, and it's rich in phytoestrogen thus it offers anti-ageing and antioxidant benefits.
Manage Mood Swings
Alleviate Vaginal Dryness
Maintain Breast Firmness
Enhance Skin Elasticity
Support Bone Health

Suitable for Vegetarians
*Pictures for illustration purpose
The information provided is not a substitute for professional advice or treatment. Consult a qualified health professional for support.

Approximately 80% of women experience hot flashes

Menopause: How to Improve Your Well-Being as Symptoms Worsen. (Retrieved on 2024, July 22). HealthyXchange.sg. Source Credit: https://www.healthxchange.sg/women/menopause/menopause-improve-well-being-symptoms-worsenMenopausal Hot Flashes: A Concise Review (2019, January) Journal of Mid-life Health 10(1):6 Source Credit: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332090360_Menopausal_Hot_Flashes_A_Concise_Review
Rave Reviews from thousands
of loyal consumers.

Nomeno Enhanced 371 Beach Rd, City Gate #02-21 s199579
The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice.
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