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Kesehatan tulang

Wanita berusia 50 sampai 60 tahun mungkin 3,5 kali (350%) lebih mungkin untuk mengembangkan osteoartritis tangan dibandingkan pria dalam kelompok usia yang sama.

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Bangkit kembali dengan Nomeno Enhanced

Evidence suggests that women’s susceptibility to osteoarthritis may be related to hormone levels. Hormone levels fluctuate with menstruation cycles and change during menopause.

Joint Health

Increased hormone levels during certain stages of the menstrual cycle may increase joint laxity, which is associated with joint instability and injury. Both joint instability and injury can contribute to the development of osteoarthritis.Therefore, when hormones decrease during stages of menopause, joint stability decrease as cartilage, mobility and flexibility of joints decreases.

Bone Health

For some women, bone degradation happens faster than for others. In fact, a woman can lose up to 20% of her bone density during the five – seven years following menopause. If you lose bone quickly, you have a greater chance of developing osteoporosis.

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